
«Khanyisa»: Seltener Albino-Elefant mit blauen Augen aus Schlinge gerettet

Rosa statt grau: Seltener Albino-Elefant mit blauen Augen gerettet

03.02.2020, 15:26
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Ein seltenes Albino-Elefantenjunges mit blauen Augen haben Tierschützer vor einem qualvollen Tod in einer Wildererschlinge bewahrt. Das etwa fünfmonatige Mädchen wurde schwer verletzt ins Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (Herd) in Südafrika gebracht.

Das gerettete Albino-Elefantenmädchen "Khanyisa" wird von einem Betreuer im Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (Herd) in Südafrika liebevoll aufgepäppelt. (Archiv)
Das gerettete Albino-Elefantenmädchen «Khanyisa» wird von einem Betreuer im Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (Herd) in Südafrika liebevoll aufgepäppelt.bild:Keystone

«Mittlerweile ist er schon seit knapp einem Monat bei uns und hat gute Fortschritte gemacht», sagte Herd-Sprecherin Sue Howells am Montag. Die junge Elefantendame habe besser als erwartet auf ihre Umgebung reagiert; zudem heilten ihre Wunden allmählich.

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Khanyisa Update! Sunday 02 February💕🐘. . Yesterday we shared a video of Khanyisa, who had lots of unexpected energy following the stitching procedure on her right ear on Friday. We were a bit concerned that she was not drinking. Well, soon after we posted that update, she started drinking most of her milk bottle feedings which was fantastic! Unfortunately, she also began with a bout of diarrhoea around midday which lasted a few hours. Adine adjusted some of her formulae, and by last night her stools were becoming solid again, though they are still a little less solid than usual. She did have some decent downtime yesterday, between her happy-bursts (💕) and Adine got this sweet video clip of her covering her eyes with her trunk. It may well be a little playful behaviour, as Adine and the carers often put their hands over her eyes as she sleeps to give her further cover for her sensitive eyes. As Adine had not done so yet, she started doing it with her trunk. Just too sweet! Khanyisa is obviously still uncomfortable and in some pain, and it will take some time to heal. So she does battle to get comfortable at times too. Overall we are happy with Khanyisa's condition, and she has been out and about this morning again adventuring under the shade of Reply, her carers' umbrella shade. If you would like to Donate towards Khanyisa's high costs of care or would like to Foster her, please go to: www.herd.org.za #KhanyisaBraveheart #littlemisssunshine #trunks #elephanttrunk #herdsouthafrica #albinoelephant #pinkelephant #everyelephantneedsaherd #hoedspruitelephants #elephantorphanage #southafrica #conservation #animallovers #elephantconservation #animalovers #elephantsofinstagram #elephants #elephant #babyelephant #elephantcalf #elephant🐘 #elephants #elephantlove #elephantlovers #everysingleelephantcounts

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«Das kleine Mädchen ist unglaublich tapfer», schrieb die Einrichtung für verwaiste Elefanten in einer Erklärung. Unklar ist, wie lange das Elefantenjunge in seiner Verzweiflung versucht hatte, sich aus der Schlinge zu befreien, bevor es am 6. Januar entdeckt worden war.

Die Mitarbeiter der Pflegeeinrichtung gaben ihm den Namen «Khanyisa» – was übersetzt Licht bedeutet. Das Jungtier war in einem Reservat südwestlich vom Krüger-Nationalpark gefunden worden und wog gerade mal 124 Kilogramm. Mittlerweile hat es knapp 20 Kilo zugelegt.

Das blaue Auge:

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Update on our patient, Albino elephant calf, Sunshine. This morning marks day three since her arrival; the next two posts will provide an overview day one and day two. Thursday 9th January - Day 1 - Part One: Her first day, she seemed energised, which may well be from the adrenalin of all the events that had taken place and her new surroundings. Over the years, we have learned not to get too excited when we see this energised activity, as it is not an accurate reading; they are dealing with a lot of emotions and physical challenges. It takes a considerable amount of time to gather a true reflection of her wellbeing. . Feeding her was a little more complicated than usual due to her mouth injuries, but on day one, we managed to find the correct angles for feeding her successfully, without too much discomfort. Overnight she vocalised quite a bit, as did the Jabulani herd. They can smell and hear there is a new baby in our care. . She was very eager to investigate in the morning, and she wondered straight over the dividing fence to meet her future family. We will never know the depth of their communication, but they communicated. Tokwe, the matriarch, and the Herd were exceptionally calm and peaceful. . The orphanage is located alongside the stables of the Jabulani herd. We separate them to be able to monitor the health and wellbeing of each baby elephant's physical health, stress levels and emotional wellbeing until we feel the time is right to continue with the integration process to their new family. . During that day she explored the orphanage, under the protection of sun umbrella, held by her carers. Albinoism, much like that in humans, means her eyes are super sensitive to sunlight as is her skin. It was a sweltering day, with temperatures reaching 41 Degrees (Celcius). . Lammie, the sheep, kept close by to her new friend, but Sunshine had not paid too much attention to her until later in the day, where she was then a little rough with her, but Lammie took it in her stride. Their bond will take some time, and Lammie knows it. She is so incredibly patient. Day 1 Part 2 to follow shortly... #Babyelephant #albinoelephant #elephantorphanage

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Es soll nach seiner Genesung im Kapama-Tierpark der Organisation ausgesetzt werden. Dort lebt eine aus Simbabwe stammende Elefantenherde, die bereits in der Vergangenheit Jungtiere aufgenommen hatte. (sda/dpa)

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