
Credit Suisse ist profitabler: 244 Millionen Franken Gewinn im dritten Quartal

Credit Suisse macht 244 Millionen Gewinn – richtig beeindruckend ist aber etwas anderes

02.11.2017, 07:1102.11.2017, 08:32
Mehr «Wirtschaft»

Die Credit Suisse schreibt im dritten Quartal einen Gewinn von 244 Millionen Franken. Gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal ist das eine deutliche Steigerung. Grund dafür sind jedoch vor allem geringere Verluste in Geschäften, die die Grossbank nicht mehr weiterführen will.

Mit einem Konzerngewinn von 244 Millionen Franken kann die Credit Suisse zwar noch lange nicht an die Ergebnisse in der Ära von Ex-Chef Brady Dougan anschliessen. Doch die Grossbank hat damit die Aufwärtsbewegung der letzten Quartale bestätigt. 

Richtig beeindruckt hat uns aber die Medienmitteilung der Grossbank. In solchen findet sich meist ein Zitat des CEO. So auch bei der CS. Tidjane Thiam hatte richtig viel zu sagen: Sein Zitat ist eine gesamte A4-Seite lang.

Tidjane Thiam, CEO of Swiss bank Credit Suisse, speaks during a press conference in Zurich, Switzerland, Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Credit Suisse CEO Tidjane Thiam hinted at a wave of job cuts at th ...
Bessere Zahlen für CS-CEO Tidjane Thiam. Bild: KEYSTONE

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«Our 3Q17 results demonstrate the progress we are making in creating positive operating leverage with Group adjusted* pre-tax income up 90% year on year and driving significantly higher profitability across the Group.

While the outlook for global economic growth has continued to improve, uncertain geopolitical developments, central bank policies and the magnitude and timing of reforms in the US, as well as historically low levels of volatility, have impacted client activity levels, which remained muted. In addition, activity levels in the third quarter of 2016 were unusually strong due to the combination of the effects of Brexit and the US elections.

Our third quarter revenue performance was resilient, with Core adjusted* net revenues from our operating businesses up 0.2%, costs9 down 5% and adjusted* pre-tax income up 30%, all on a year-on-year basis. Group adjusted* net revenues were 2% lower year on year, impacted by USD 95 million of lower revenues from the SRU as we accelerate the wind-down of our non-core division. In a tough quarter, we have maintained our strong operating leverage, with Group adjusted* pre-tax income up 90% year on year. At 9M17, Group adjusted* net revenues are up 6%, and Group adjusted* total operating expenses are down 6% year on year.

In a challenging context, our wealth management connected activities10 had a very strong quarter alongside resilient performance in GM and IBCM. These results further emphasize the value of our diversified franchise.

In our wealth management related businesses10, we have achieved a step change in profitability with adjusted* net revenue2 growth of 9% year on year and adjusted* pre-tax income2 of CHF 1 billion, up 30% year on year, illustrating the power of positive operating leverage in wealth management. Our emerging markets focused businesses of APAC and IWM delivered an exceptionally strong quarter with combined asset inflows of CHF 9.4 billion11. Adjusted* pre-tax income for APAC WM&C and IWM at the nine-month stage is at or above the full year 2016 result for both divisions. Assets under management1 grew 12% year on year to a record CHF 751 billion. We generated CHF 10.4 billion of net asset inflows1 during 3Q17 and over CHF 33 billion in 9M17, representing an annualized growth rate of 7%, notwithstanding our higher asset base. In Switzerland, we recorded our seventh consecutive quarter of year-on-year profitable12 growth and generated positive net asset inflows in Private Clients. Across SUB, IWM and APAC, we are delivering on our strategy with a balanced approach to wealth management between mature and emerging markets, while growing recurring commissions and fees.

Our GM and IBCM franchises both held up well in a seasonally tougher quarter and delivered resilient results.

We have maintained our relentless focus on costs, with approximately CHF 400 million of additional savings in 3Q17 and CHF 1 billion in 9M17. We are confident in ending 2017 below our CHF 18.5 billion cost target.

We maintained our strong capital position with a look-through CET1 ratio of 13.2% while absorbing 26 bps from an operational risk RWA add-on, primarily in respect of our RMBS settlements. Importantly, in the seventh quarter of our restructuring, we were able to generate capital organically, accreting approximately CHF 400 million on a look-through basis and ending the quarter with CHF 34.9 billion of look-through CET1 capital.

As we move through the final quarter of the year, our teams remain focused on serving our clients and on the continued disciplined execution of our strategy. Despite the anticipated seasonal impact on our marketsensitive activities, we are seeing the benefits of a number of key decisions we have taken to capture the wealth management opportunity. We believe client demand for the solutions we provide across wealth management and investment banking will remain strong going forward.»

 Wahnsinn. Mit Dank an Katharina Bart für die Inspiration.  (sda/mlu)

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