Owls are a zillion times better than cats. Even if the internet is in denial

Image: Facebook/Eulen (heart by watson)
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Owls are a zillion times better than cats. Even if the internet is in denial

16.05.2014, 10:4110.07.2014, 11:12
lina selmani & dr. timothy

Do you love cats? Of course you love cats. Everybody loves cats. Even people allergic to cats love cats. The internet is literally forcing us to love cats. Cats are little more than a poor man's owl, though. We'll prove it to you.

Yes, cats are kinda cute. But have you ever petted an owl?

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Now. Really. Look!

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GIF: Gifbay

How could you ever pet a cat again after seeing this?

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Can cats do this?

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GIF: Gifbay

Or this?

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Even in the cats core business, such as chasing mice, owls rule. They approach and ...

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... destroy their prey. 

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And cats? They approach and ...

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... destroy themselves.

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Owls are simply cool. And they stay cool. Whatever happens.

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Everybody should have their own personal owl.

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And now please repeat: Owls are better than cats. Owls are better than cats. Owls are better than cats.

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So what are owls? Better than cats!

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To all cat picture spamming Facebook friends out there: Take this!

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These are your oh so Supercats.

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