Donald Trump

La tentative d'assassinat de Donald Trump en images

BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Secret Service agents surround Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump onstage after he was injured at a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Penns ...
Getty Images North America

Trump visé par une fusillade: les tirs et la panique en images

L'ex-président a été visé par des tirs, samedi, alors qu'il était en plein meeting en Pennsylvanie. Le tireur a été abattu et un supporter de Trump a perdu la vie durant la fusillade. Voici les images de cette scène impressionnante.
14.07.2024, 03:3714.07.2024, 03:38
Plus de «International»

Samedi, l'ex-président américain a été évacué lors d'un meeting de campagne à Butler, en Pennsylvanie. Des tirs successifs ont été entendus et il a été touché à l'oreille. Le tireur a été abattu et un sympathisants de Trump a perdu la vie. Joe Biden a réagi en affirmant qu'il n'y a «pas de place pour ce genre de violence en Amérique». Si Trump a rapidement annoncé qu'il «allait bien», une enquête pour tentative d'assassinat a été ouverte.

«J'ai été touché par une balle qui a transpercé le haut de mon oreille droite. Il est incroyable qu'un tel acte puisse se produire dans notre pays»
Donald Trump, sur Truth Social

Son équipe de campagne avait assuré auparavant que l'ex-président amércain était en bonne santé et était «examiné dans une structure médicale» sur place.

La vidéo des tirs:

Vidéo: watson
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attor ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Secret Service agents surround Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump onstage after he was injured at a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Penns ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Secret Service tend to republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump onstage at a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County distri ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage by U.S. Secret Service agents after being grazed by a bullet during a rally on July 1 ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: A Secret Service member and members of the crowd are seen at republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pe ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Law enforcement officers move during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attorney Richard Goldinger said the shooter is dead after  ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Law enforcement react after shots were fire at republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Bu ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attor ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attor ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler County district attor ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Law enforcement officers tend to a man at republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler  ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: The crowd reacts after shots were fired at republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: The crowd reacts after shots were fired at republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump's rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler ...
Getty Images North America
BUTLER, PENNSYLVANIA - JULY 13: Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump pumps his fist as he is rushed offstage during a rally on July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler  ...
Getty Images North America
-Donald Trump touché à l'oreille
Video: watson
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