Sorry, Apple! The new iPhone 6 is nice, but Android has won

How iPhone lost the race against Android

Sorry, Apple! The new iPhone 6 is nice, but Android has won

29.10.2014, 13:4219.11.2015, 16:34
Melanie Gath
Melanie Gath

From 2009 to 2014: This video shows how Android won the battle for operating system market shares 

Apple's iPhone dominates in yellow countries and Google's Android in violet ones. In purple areas Nokia tops market share while BlackBerry wins in green countries.YouTube/Watson Redaktion

The video is based on information from the tool «StatCounter». It provides statistics on website visitors including the operating system of the visitor. From these statistics it is possible to estimate the number of iPhone and Android smartphone users in different countries.

80 percent of smartphones that are currently on sale use Google’s operating system Android – mainly because it is low priced. Apple’s iPhones have dominated for a long time, but currently account only for 12 to 14 percent of the market share. Microsoft devices account for three and BlackBerry devices for one percent.

This article was originally published in German.

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