
Oktober-Vollmond: Die schönsten Bilder des Supermonds aus aller Welt

Die schönsten Bilder des Supermonds

Gestern erstrahlte der Vollmond, der gleichzeitig auch ein Supermond war, in seiner ganzen Pracht am Himmel. Auf der ganzen Welt konnte er am Himmel bestaunt werden.
18.10.2024, 11:5018.10.2024, 14:13
hannah wissler
Mehr «Wissen»

Als Supermond wird der grösste Vollmond des Jahres bezeichnet, also jener, welcher der Erde am nächsten kommt. Gestern kam er der Erde fast 30'000 Kilometer näher als im Durchschnitt.

Die besten Bilder des Supermonds aus aller Welt:

Dubai, VAE

epa11665013 A camel walks in the desert while the full moon called supermoon rises over the desert outside the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 17 October 2024. The next supermoon is expec ...
Bild: keystone

Tallinn, Estland

A flock of birds fly in front of the full moon over the city centre in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)
Bild: keystone

Niendorf, Deutschland

The full Hunters moon sets in Niendorf at the Baltic Sea, Germany, early Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Bild: keystone

Dubai, VAE

epa11664985 Camels walk in the desert while the full moon called supermoon rises over the desert outside the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 17 October 2024. The next supermoon is expecte ...
Bild: keystone

Naypyidaw, Myanmar

A view of the moon, seen from Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Aung Shine Oo)
Bild: keystone

Krakau, Polen

epaselect epa11665279 A full moon, also known as supermoon, rises over Krakow, southern Poland, 17 October 2024. EPA/LUKASZ GAGULSKI POLAND OUT
Bild: keystone

Yangon, Myanmar

Myanmar Landmark Shwedagon is illuminated while a supermoon rises during the full moon day of Thadingyut, the end of Buddhist Lent, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024, in Yangon, Myanmar. (AP Photo/Thein Zaw)
Bild: keystone

Dubai, VAE

epa11664984 Camels walk in the desert while the full moon called supermoon rises over the desert outside the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 17 October 2024. The next supermoon is expecte ...
Bild: keystone

Northumberland, England

A group of stargazers use telescopes to catch a glimpse of the Comet A3, also known as the Tsuchinshan-Atlas, and the full moon in the skies above the Twice Brewed Inn in the Northumberland Internatio ...
Bild: keystone

Dubai, VAE

epaselect epa11664999 A camel walks in the desert while the full moon called supermoon rises over the desert outside the Gulf emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 17 October 2024. The next supermoo ...
Bild: keystone

Yangon, Myanmar

A supermoon rises while a hot-air balloon fly during the full moon day of Thadingyut, the end of Buddhist Lent, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024, in Yangon, Myanmar. (AP Photo/Thein Zaw)
Bild: keystone

Naypytaw, Myanmar

A view of the moon, seen from Naypyitaw, Myanmar, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Aung Shine Oo)
Bild: keystone

Krakau, Polen

epa11665278 A full moon, also known as supermoon, rises over Krakow, southern Poland, 17 October 2024. EPA/LUKASZ GAGULSKI POLAND OUT
Bild: keystone
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Menschen auf dem Mond – die Geschichte des Apollo-Programms
1 / 18
Menschen auf dem Mond – die Geschichte des Apollo-Programms
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