Le 6 février dernier, la reine Elisabeth II devenait le premier monarque britannique à célébrer un jubilé de platine, marquant 70 ans de service au peuple du Royaume-Uni, des royaumes et du Commonwealth.
Pour fêter cet anniversaire sans précédent, des événements sont prévus dans tout le Royaume-Uni pendant un week-end de quatre jours fériés, du jeudi 2 au dimanche 5 juin prochain. Et chacun y va de son initiative.
C'est le cas du site du patrimoine britannique «Stonehenge» qui a eu la merveilleuse idée d'illuminer les pierres du célèbre site avec huit images de la reine Elizabeth II au cours de ses 70 ans de règne.
On la voit monter à cheval alors qu'elle portait une élégante veste d'équitation ou encore promener ses fameux corgis. Une idée qui n'a pas manqué de faire réagir Twitter. Tour d'horizon des meilleurs tweets qui démontent le «Queenhenge»👇
I literally booked a trip to see Stonehenge this weekend, IN ORDER TO escape the Jubilee, and https://t.co/PygiwJTyZ7
— Noreen Masud (@NoreenMasud) May 30, 2022
This has upset me probably more than it should do. It’s Stonehenge, a place of ancient pagan celebrations, a place of tranquility to observe the solstice. We really have lost our way😢 https://t.co/x4Htg8hnYT
— summer rain 🌻 🌿💚 🕊🇪🇺🇬🇧🐝 (@skypanda476) May 30, 2022
Absolutely disgusting behaviour, the aliens did not put Stonehenge there for THIS https://t.co/rBFSqHDZyM
— Joeeeeeeee (@OnlyJoeQing) May 30, 2022
An old relic of which nobody knows it’s purpose or why it’s there, and Stonehenge https://t.co/Nia41V8cRc
— Tam sellic son (@TamsellicsonIII) May 30, 2022
We don't know exactly why and how Stonehenge was built, nor for what exact purpose. But I guarantee you, it was not for anything this fucking ridiculous. https://t.co/VQV6fROGIN
— Hot Spoon Trick Proponent (@Jomegsallan) May 30, 2022
As someone who lives near Stonehenge, I find this co-opting of a heritage site for political propaganda disgraceful and embarrassing. https://t.co/mrmuDtwakA
— Time's Carcass 💀☭🏺📉 (@_Jack_Graham_) May 30, 2022
Sadly projecting the head of The Church of England on a Pagan Heritage Site is very insensitive #StoneHenge pic.twitter.com/sCjcc1akud
— Scozia (@Scozia13) May 30, 2022
the druids didn't drag half these motherfuckers over from preseli for this https://t.co/TQko39oPNk
— 𝖊𝖌𝖌 (@emmaggarland) May 30, 2022
For the love of suffering Jesus regardless of your position on the Jubilee can we all agree this is terribly tacky .
— Susie McCabe (@susie_mccabe) May 30, 2022
What next The Queens face on The Pepsi Max .
Fucking Hell https://t.co/GydO1h7z5u
this is actually a spell of binding, it means the queen's soul is now trapped within the stones and will not be released until she has performed three tasks for the stonelords https://t.co/VYqtDshfKK
— Tom Phillips (@flashboy) May 30, 2022
It is impossible to tell parody from reality these days https://t.co/pKG1zcfeVz
— Davenant 📸 (@MarcDavenant) May 30, 2022