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Ein 18 Jahre alter Angreifer hat nach Angaben der Polizei am Dienstagmittag in der Grundschule in der US-Kleinstadt Uvalde das Feuer eröffnet. US-Medien zufolge wurden mindestens 19 Kinder und zwei Erwachsene getötet. Der Schütze sei von Beamten getötet worden.
Im Vergleich zu Europa ist das Waffenrecht in den USA allgemein sehr lax. Befürworter berufen sich auf den 1791 verabschiedeten zweiten Verfassungszusatz, der es ihrer Ansicht nach den Amerikanern erlaubt, Waffen zu tragen. Initiativen zur Verschärfung des Waffenrechts auf Bundesebene scheitern immer wieder.
No words https://t.co/dVoM9aLh0b pic.twitter.com/9z3yBCvAkA
— Matt Davies (@MatttDavies) May 24, 2022
Uvalde, Texas.#GunControlNow pic.twitter.com/QHHSPABov9
— Pia Guerra (@PiaGuerra) May 25, 2022
So there was another school shooting, this time at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas? Don't worry everyone, conservatives are on it. pic.twitter.com/GJQggHnloQ
— Mister O'Bear (@MisterOBear1) May 24, 2022
Gesundheitsrisiko (2018) pic.twitter.com/nymxkGVng1
— Paolo Calleri (@p_calleri) May 25, 2022
I drew this years ago after another massacre. The shame of America is that no matter how many mass shootings there are, no matter how many kids, or grocery shoppers, or churchgoers get slaughtered, nothing will ever happen to make us safe. pic.twitter.com/4T8ZOZhEP3
— Kevin Necessary (@knecessary) May 24, 2022
Drew Sheneman, The Star-Ledger pic.twitter.com/wxdfqJxjEl
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 24, 2022
#RobbElementaryschool, It's a shame that this drawing is true. America 🇺🇸 loves ❤️ guns more than people especially kids. Congress will do nothing. Those 15 families don't want words today, they want action. They want their kids at home to eat dinner, laugh, play, etc... 😡😡😡 pic.twitter.com/Ar3SUDNZZy
— Keith Grant (@KeithGrant09) May 24, 2022
Andy Marlette, The Pensacola News Journal @AndyMarlette pic.twitter.com/ryVHTSconx
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
I’m sure we’ll again hear about how it’s mental illness that leads to gun deaths. Well, here’s the real illness: pic.twitter.com/9SiNgKAfLg
— Kevin Necessary (@knecessary) May 24, 2022
Fuck you, Texas. Fuck your open carry, no rules, don't mess with us bullshit. And while I'm at it, fuck every one of you "2A gun rights are freedom" fuckers in your pee-holes with a burning cactus. How many dead children will it take? #RobbElementaryschool pic.twitter.com/Rvk1XvD2Tv
— 🇺🇦Noel T. Cumberland🇺🇦 (@Sage_Words) May 25, 2022
Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch @natebeeler pic.twitter.com/eqAnZ69i2H
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 24, 2022
seufz. sigh. pic.twitter.com/3Rpp5vJLzP
— leopold maurer (@leopoldmaurer) May 25, 2022
Walt Handelsman, The New Orleans Advocate @Walt_Handelsman pic.twitter.com/6zU56bR4Jb
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 24, 2022
From July 2015... pic.twitter.com/Uhgx56n2kS
— Walt Handelsman (@Walt_Handelsman) May 25, 2022
#nra #guns PSYCHOLOGICAL FEARS by @MatttDavies pic.twitter.com/v1Mnx9pJcL #maga #kag #tcot #uspoli
— Sur Plus (@otiose94) May 24, 2022
They say it’s wrong to hate. But, man, I hate these evil assholes
— Pat Bagley (@Patbagley) May 25, 2022
These people are building wealth on the dead bodies of men, women and children
Children pic.twitter.com/PuAGHWApWp
Michael de Adder, https://t.co/pJG8Fm8998 @deAdder pic.twitter.com/AaXUWRhJgU
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
Congress is corrupt to the point of abetting ongoing murder of children just so long as they get their NRA blood money.
— Pat Bagley (@Patbagley) May 25, 2022
Great cartoon by my friend @ThatSteveSack pic.twitter.com/iGa0bKXuBu
Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune (Retired) @ThatSteveSack pic.twitter.com/330MLKGiIt
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
— le Malque Guedaldoldule (@sporosbe) May 25, 2022
18 dead children. When will it be enough for Republicans to change their minds? #UvaldeMassacre #Uvalde #TexasSchoolMassacre #NRABloodMoney #GunControlNow pic.twitter.com/6RdCvVoOAa
— Benjamin Slyngstad (@SlyngCartoons) May 25, 2022
Walt Handelsman, The New Orleans Advocate @Walt_Handelsman pic.twitter.com/92vjh0moMq
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
Thoughts and prayers. #shooting #Buffalo #BuffaloStrong #racism pic.twitter.com/YNGtJekRWB
— Michael de Adder (@deAdder) May 15, 2022
Ed Stein, The Denver Rocky Mountain News (1999) pic.twitter.com/pKM8UD1pov
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
Herbert Lawerence Block (Herblock)
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
The Washington Post (1980) pic.twitter.com/8ioPF5G2UD
Herbert Lawrence Block (Herblock)
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
The Washington Post (1968) pic.twitter.com/cgVs3pFeGe
Opinion | Thoughts and prayers, again https://t.co/92ImulJJav pic.twitter.com/FFOhUhtj5x
— Ann Telnaes (@AnnTelnaes) May 25, 2022
I have SO much respect for satirists who can work at this level!
— Yale Belanger (@ydbelanger) May 24, 2022
Thank you @Patbagley. pic.twitter.com/nxJOr7WUbt
Nach jedem Attentat dasselbe Muster. Unsere #Karikatur des Tageshttps://t.co/mLKNfYdAdv #USA #LasVegas #Waffen #Industrie pic.twitter.com/9csHNQdazV
— Cicero Online (@cicero_online) October 6, 2017
Hass-Freaks unter sich......
— Rolf F. (@kefer83512) May 8, 2019
(Karikatur Kamensky) pic.twitter.com/6W0exTDdgE
A #cartoon by @deAdder from 2017. pic.twitter.com/b1zrscMoaG
— Jürgen "jkr" Kraus (@jkr_on_the_web) May 24, 2022
When is it enough? pic.twitter.com/uw2DjXAEAk
— Adam Zyglis (@adamzyglis) May 24, 2022
Marshall Ramsey @MarshallRamsey @Uvalde pic.twitter.com/PIJFRwqdLS
— Editorial & Political Cartoons (@EandPCartoons) May 25, 2022
I’m ashamed to be American more and more each day…#Congress continues to fail our children. And for what? off a few extremist POVs of a 255 year old piece of parchment? I’m so mad that I just feel empty inside. This isn’t fucking fair. #bantheNRA #Uvalde #RobbElementaryschool pic.twitter.com/lOR2vh04DO
— Caro🌻 (@carorose93) May 24, 2022
Mit Material der Nachrichtenagenturen SDA und DPA.
Wie Geldgeil und Indoktriniert muss man sein um sogar seine Kinder dafür zu opfern?
Das werde wohl nicht nur ich nie verstehen.