Amazing facts about Switzerland – Number 10 will make you go wild

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Amazing facts about Switzerland – Number 10 will make you go wild

You know cheese, choclate, watches, the swiss knifes and the mountains. But there is more in Switzerland. A lot more. Did you know those facts?
05.12.2014, 17:0605.12.2014, 17:15
Reto Fehr
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1. Our national music

This is modern style yodelling.

2. Our national dish

How to eat fondue

3. Our national music instrument

This is the alphorn

4. Our national sport

Schwingen as we call this wrestling.

5. We are very, very, very bureaucratic

One of our federal councils giving a speak at parliament

6. We never give up. Never. Never ever. We mean it. 

Olympics 1984: Swiss marathon runner Gaby Andersen-Schiess.

7. Our national animal

This is the Alpabzug, when the cows go back to the valley at the end of summer.

8. We like it clean and organized. We even clean our mountains. Honestly.

9. For the guys: Our «Miss Switzerland»

The moment she won the contest


And a picture with her controlling her emotions


10. For the ladies: The best looking guys of Switzerland

Sadly, this doesn't work online. But you know where the arrows are supposed to point to, right?
Sadly, this doesn't work online. But you know where the arrows are supposed to point to, right?

If you wanna know more about us, here are 35 facts. And here are 30 – as they call it – kickass facts. 

Zikomo Zambia, zikomo UNZA

Leiter Unternehmensentwicklung Sven Ruoss und Sportchef Reto Fehr führen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweizer Hilfsorganisation B360 Education Partnerships an der Universität von Lusaka (UNZA) in Sambia ein zweiwöchiges Modul über Online-Journalismus durch. Die Studenten erhalten dabei wertvolle Inputs für ihre Newsplattform Lusaka Star. Die Zeitung wurde vor rund zwei Jahren mit Unterstützung der Zürcher Agentur Mediaschneider in ein Online-Portal umgewandelt und wird vom Studiengang Mass Communication betreut. 
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