Du erinnerst dich: Anfangs Monat ging Spotify an die Börse. An der Wall Street wurde zur Feier des Tages die Schweizer Fahne gehisst. Dumm nur, dass Spotify eine schwedische Firma ist:
Hach, was haben wir gelacht. Doch das Beste haben wir verpasst. Weitgehend unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit haben sich die Konsulate der Schweiz und Schweden in New York einen kleinen Schlagabtausch auf Twitter geliefert. Ein sehr lustiges kleines Twattle:
It's @Spotify's big day! The company is going public and @NYSE intended to pay homage to the company's Swedish roots, but flew our flag instead 🤭 It only took 15 minutes to fix this mistake, but no worries our Nordic friends are humble and we are neutral, so no tiff will ensue😉 pic.twitter.com/9k8wAtYVBQ
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 3. April 2018
Don't flatter yourself, Switzerland 🇨🇭. Sweden 🇸🇪 may also be known as a neutral country, but this is where we draw the line. pic.twitter.com/6ah21c6PHE
— swedennewyork (@swedennewyork) 4. April 2018
We understand that #Sweden is a winter wonderland, but that doesn't mean you have to be so icy ❄️ #feelinglikepenguinnumber2 pic.twitter.com/vs31SkiVxk
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 4. April 2018
Your whole country is basically just made up of icy mountains, and your cheese is full of holes (but admittedly delicious) 🏔🧀 pic.twitter.com/q0XUdxzhgZ
— swedennewyork (@swedennewyork) 4. April 2018
Well, if we are not mistaken, you also have icy mountains. But about those holes, they are surrounded by the best cheese🧀 in the 🌍 pic.twitter.com/wc7EHXn1TJ
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 4. April 2018
I guess there are a few similarities, but at least now a lot people know which flag is which 🤓 And we made this #CheatSheet to prevent any future confusion: pic.twitter.com/YeNcggWSs9
— swedennewyork (@swedennewyork) 4. April 2018
Spotify is as Swedish as meatballs, and we ❤️ both. Our 15 mins of fame might be over soon, but our friendship will always last 😊 pic.twitter.com/2NOC4YFKAE
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 4. April 2018
Oh wow, it’s been a long day of #DigitalDiplomacy, meet you later for an after work Swedish-Swiss celebration? #Swederland pic.twitter.com/wyvknMXHsT
— swedennewyork (@swedennewyork) 4. April 2018
Oh, yeah, why not? We will DM you the details 😏 #Swederland in New York pic.twitter.com/sr3u1EFuK2
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 4. April 2018
@swedennewyork when two worlds come together. And y’all thought we were kidding 😏🇸🇪🇨🇭 pic.twitter.com/hZ0RgcX2KV
— Swiss Consulate NY (@SwissCGNY) 4. April 2018
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