Is your mobile's battery letting you down? Check out which phone wouldn't [infographic]

This is the infographic Apple doesn't want you to see

Is your mobile's battery letting you down? Check out which phone wouldn't [infographic]

20.01.2015, 14:3906.07.2020, 15:45
Melanie Gath
Melanie Gath

What is the most important aspect when buying a new smartphone? The brand? The design? The operating system? Smart people check the battery time as well. The differences are huge: Under heavy usage conditions the battery of the winning smartphone lasts for 11 hours and 26 minutes. Some smartphone batteries lasted only for three to four hours.

The experts at phonearena tested various popular phones. All devices were tested using typical user configurations and usage patterns. All screens were configured for the same level of brightness.

handy smartphone akku grafik (finale version, januar 2015)
source: graphic:

This graphic shows a selection of popular smartphones. The complete list of tested devices is available on the website of phonearena.

This article was originally published in German.

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