Fangen wir mal mit einem Geständnis an: Auch Frauen wissen nicht alles über Frauenkörper. Aber die Dinge, die sie nicht wissen, unterscheiden sich eben oft von den Dingen, die Männer nicht über weibliche Körper wissen.
Das zumindest zeigt der Aufruf auf Twitter, den «brownandbella» gestartet hat. Dort rief sie andere Frauen dazu auf, die beklopptesten Dinge zu teilen, die Männer so über Frauenkörper, Menstruation und Sex denken. Die Ergebnisse sind, sagen wir mal, bemerkenswert.
Wir präsentieren euch hier also eine Auswahl, die Top 10 der beklopptesten und absolut unwahren Dinge über Frauenkörper:
I told a guy it’s good manners to ask if the woman came. He said, “Did you?” I told him I hadn’t.
— Megan Sass (@Megan_Sass) May 17, 2019
His response? “I know some women can’t the first time for emotional reasons.”
i had a man tell me periods aren't natural and it's cause i eat meat.
— Skinleesi | Sallie Mae of Skin Care (@CruzanChoklate) May 16, 2019
I had a boyfriend mind blow that we did not pee from our vagina. I said no sir that’s a different hole. Lol he didn’t believe me I had to show him.
— G 🌹 (@__glm) 16. Mai 2019
A coworker genuinely thought women did all of our business, including birth, out of 1 hole. He was in his late 20s
— Varah T (@VarahTs) 16. Mai 2019
I went on lunch
A man asked me once if women enjoy going to the gyno because "doesn't it feel good for someone to touch you there?"
— jones (@pjoneswriter) 16. Mai 2019
My husband thought they disconnected the umbilical cord from the baby and put it back inside. Like the hose you use to inflate tires.
— Joan Carol (@psychomama) 16. Mai 2019
When I was 11 and he was 14, my brother asked me if periods happen on the weekends, too. When I said yes, he just shook his head and said "I'm sorry"
— 🌼 Sabrina Granger 🌼 (@Sabrina45X) 16. Mai 2019
I dated a guy who thought we had to use condoms while I had my period not because of hygienic issues but because women can only get pregnant while they have their period. He was in his middle 20s.
— NordseeNail 🧦 (@dieNail) 17. Mai 2019
This was a recent discussion on twitter - within this month or so. A guy did some calculation and said that we only need 7 tampons a month for our periods.
— Cat. (@justme8764) 18. Mai 2019
Why do men talk?
Older male relative said my baby was sick cause I was breastfeeding him, and I’m not pasteurized. 🙃
— Rosie Clements (@rosalina1001) 16. Mai 2019
Frage: betrifft uns das hier igendwie?
Solche aussagen sind der Grund, weshalb sich die allermeisten der betroffenen Männer niemals melden werden...
Im übrigen ist es auch sexistisch wenn man immer nur die Männer als ahnungslose Trottel hinstellt.