#SID2017 #SaferInternetDay. Ihr Seid selbst Opfer von Cybermobbing oder kennt jemanden der Opfer davon wurde? ==> https://t.co/tgo4eUQRdN pic.twitter.com/KwNILdjhEg
— Polizei Niederbayern (@polizeiNB) 7. Februar 2017
It's #SaferInternetDay. Here are 6 tips to keep your smartphone secure: https://t.co/54N8ia94vB #SID2017 pic.twitter.com/Rz7IB3jbSQ
— Home Office (@ukhomeoffice) 7. Februar 2017
Have you asked your child if they’re OK with you sharing their pictures online? Make sure you're both #ShareAware #SID2017 pic.twitter.com/zFfyiHVkxO
— NSPCC (@NSPCC) 7. Februar 2017
It's Safer Internet Day today. Do you know the minimum age for each of the social media channels? #SID2017 pic.twitter.com/fwpHBUw9kk
— Action for Children (@actnforchildren) 7. Februar 2017