
15 Bilder, die die «Jahrhundertflut» in Australien zeigen

Video: watson/een

15 Bilder, die das Ausmass der «Jahrhundertflut» in Australien zeigen

22.03.2021, 09:2522.03.2021, 15:29
Mehr «International»

Ausnahmezustand in New South Wales. Im Südosten Australiens reden sie von der «Jahrhundertflut». An machen Orten hat es in sechs Tagen fast 900 Liter pro Quadratmeter geregnet.

Tausende Menschen in Sydney und Umgebung mussten ihre Häuser verlassen. 18'000 Menschen wurden in Sicherheit gebracht, davon 15'000 in der Küstenregion nördlich von Sydney und 3000 in West-Sydney. Todesfälle gibt es glücklicherweise keine.

Kein Durchkommen in Tamborine Mountain

epa09089264 A flooded causeway at Howard creek blocks access to Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast hinterland, Australia, 22 March 2021. The weather bureau is warning of potentially life-threatening ...
Bild: keystone

Rettungskräfte in Londonderry mussten Dutzende Menschen retten

Men paddle through flooded waters to inspect submerged buildings at Londonderry on the western outskirts of Sydney Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that ha ...
Bild: keystone

In Windsor ist Geduld gefragt

epa09089237 Onlookers watch the submerged New Windsor Bridge at Windsor in the north west of Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of residents are fleeing their homes as schools are shut, and s ...
Bild: keystone

Billinudgels Strassen unter Wasser

epa09089179 A flooded street is seen in Billinudgel, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of people have been evacuated on the NSW Mid-North Coast and western Sydney, as swollen rivers flood towns and  ...
Bild: keystone

Regen nonstop in Sydney

epa09089171 Traffic is seen in heavy rain in Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2021. Rivers are bursting their banks and dams are overflowing and many residents are on standby to leave their homes as heavy  ...
Bild: keystone

Das schnellste Verkehrsmittel in Londonderry bei Sydney

A man paddles through flood waters at Londonderry on the western outskirts of Sydney, Australia, Monday, March 22, 2021. Hundreds of people have been rescued from floodwaters that have isolated dozens ...
Bild: keystone

Klettern geht noch in Jamisontown

People play on equipment at a playground on the banks of the Nepean River at Jamisontown on the western outskirts of Sydney Monday, March 22, 2021. Australia's most populous state of New South Wa ...
Bild: keystone

In Pitt Town ist Kayakfahren angesagt

epa09089032 A person uses a kayak to navigate flooded Old Hawkesbury Road near Pitt Town and Windsor in the North West of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of residents are  ...
Bild: keystone

Die New Windsor Bridge in Windsor bei Sydney ist nicht mehr zu sehen

epa09089002 The New Windsor Bridge is seen inundated by flood waters from the Nepean River at Windsor in the north west of Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of residents are fleeing their ho ...
Bild: keystone

Der Nepean River in Penrith, Sydney, steht hoch

epa09088938 The flooded Nepean River at Trench Reserve at Penrith in Sydney, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of residents are fleeing their homes, schools are shut, and scores of people have been  ...
Bild: keystone

Erdrutsch in Newcastle

epa09087253 A house is seen after a landslip took out some of its foundations, forcing the road to be closed in Shortland esplanade, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 21 March 2021. More rain is  ...
Bild: keystone

Strasse in Port Stephens weggerissen

People stand at a washed out section of road at Port Stephens 200 kilometers (124 miles) north of Sydney, Australia, Saturday, March 20, 2021. People across New South Wales have been warned to expect  ...
Bild: keystone

Autofahren derzeit in Northern Beaches in Sydney

epa09085408 A car drives through a pool of standing water on the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia, 20 March 2021. More rain is forecast for the New South Wales coast and other parts of the state, ...
Bild: keystone

Hoher Wasserstand in Kempsey

epa09089330 Floodwaters are seen near Kempsey , Northern NSW, Australia, 22 March 2021. Thousands of people have been evacuated on the NSW Mid-North Coast and western Sydney, as swollen rivers flood t ...
Bild: keystone


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Bilder der Buschbrände in Australien
1 / 37
Bilder der Buschbrände in Australien
Im Südwesten Australiens sieht es momentan aus als ginge die Welt unter.
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