Beim Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter zieht sich einer der Mitgründer aus der Konzernspitze zurück. Dies teilte das Social-Media-Unternehmen am Freitag der US-Börsenaufsicht SEC mit.
Evan Williams selbst kommunizierte seinen Abgang via Tweet. Am Ende des Monats wolle er nach zwölf Jahren aus der Geschäftsleitung von Twitter auszuscheiden.
I'm very lucky to have served on the @Twitter board for 12 years (ever since there was a board). It's been overwhelmingly interesting, educational—and, at times, challenging.
— Ev Williams (@ev) February 22, 2019
Thank you, @jack and @biz for starting this crazy company with me—and continuing to make it better and better. And to my fellow board members, new and old—some of the most thoughtful people I've ever known.
— Ev Williams (@ev) February 22, 2019
And, of course, thank you to the almost 4,000 Twitter employees who are doing the hard work every day.
— Ev Williams (@ev) February 22, 2019
I'm going to ride off into the sunset (or...down Market Street), so I can focus on some other things. I will always be rooting for the team (and, if someone lets me in, come by for lunch).
— Ev Williams (@ev) February 22, 2019
Der Manager leitet derzeit die Online-Publikationsplattform Medium. (viw/sda/reu)