Die 23-jährige Erica Baguma durfte weder Hillary Clinton noch Donald Trump wählen. Baguma ist Kanadierin. Doch der Ausgang der US-Wahlen lässt sie nicht kalt.
Wie der Guardian schreibt, verbringt Baguma jede freie Minute damit, auf Twitter selbst erklärte Trump-Wähler aufzuspüren, die ihre Wahl bereuen. Mit dem Account @Trump_Regrets retweetet sie die dann die entsprechenden Unmutsäusserungen.
@realDonaldTrump I'm so sorry I voted for u. All u are doing is screwing everything up including social security and medicare! 2020 No Way!
— AmericanPatriot (@AMPatriot4851) February 4, 2017
@realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor CNN just aired a clip where you put Russia on equal footing as the US. I voted for you. But I'm done now
— Gary Thurner (@GaryThurner) February 5, 2017
Kritiker werfen Baguma vor, die Tweets selber zu produzieren. Das Gegenteil zu beweisen, ist allerdings sehr einfach: Besteht ein Account schon seit Jahren und hat er bereits hunderte Tweets, kann man von seiner Echtheit ausgehen.
@realDonaldTrump OK. This is it. I voted for you but I am SICK OF THIS SHIT! STOP STOP, PLEASE STOP. If u can't then give it to Pence.
— IzzyWizzy (@connie9030) February 5, 2017
@realDonaldTrump can you please go through Congress next time. You're not a king. I voted for you. Don't make me regret it.
— N/A (@aidanm_official) February 4, 2017
@realDonaldTrump an I voted for you biggest regret of my life
— nick zizzamia (@nickz_nick) February 4, 2017
200'000 Follower hat @Trump_Regrets bereits. Darunter befinden sich auch Bekanntheiten, wie der Dallas-Mavericks-Besitzer Mark Cuban oder die Schauspielerin Rosie O’Donnell. Über 1000 Reue-Bekenntnisse wurden bisher retweetet. Und die Suche danach wird einfacher. Laut Erica Baguma nimmt die Anzahl enttäuschter Tweets seit der Vereidigung täglich zu.
@realDonaldTrump Shut up about the apprentice. I voted for u. If I had it to do over I wouldn't . U r so petty. Get with it.
— Eileen (@shamrock0623) February 3, 2017
@realDonaldTrump mr trump. it's been only 2 weeks but feels like 2 yrs. please don't make me sorry I supported you.
— RobTee (@robtee2106) February 3, 2017
@jodyavirgan I finally regret voting for him - took til this
— Nathan Biller (@nastynatebiller) February 3, 2017
I didnt think Trump would actually put a Muslim ban and thought it was for the Media... I regret voting for him and for not seeing it coming
— Will Bechtle (@Becktul) January 30, 2017
— Ishtiaque Hossain (@followishti) February 2, 2017
I know I have made a huge huge mistake by voting for .@realDonaldTrump .Never thought of him being this reckless! Missing .@BarackObama https://t.co/O7ONGwA6pH
— GypsyDesert (iTweet) (@GypsyDesert) February 2, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I can't believe that I voted for you. You truly are a fucking moron.
— Osirus96 (@osirus096) February 2, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you I should have voted for Hillary I hang my head in shame and no longer proud to be an American
— Kagome L D (@JpopGirl) January 31, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you cos I thought maybe it was a good idea to shake things up a bit in politics. Biggest regret of my life!
— James Connor (@ConnorJame) January 31, 2017
Suddenly .@HillaryClinton 's Division makings looks sane compared to those of .@realDonaldTrump 's. I want my VOTE BACK!
— GypsyDesert (iTweet) (@GypsyDesert) January 31, 2017