I just can't shake the feeling that something has made its way into the apartment.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Adam Ellis* ist (ziemlich sicher) ein normaler junger Mann. Was er aber seit August in seiner Wohnung erlebt, ist alles andere als normal. Via Twitter lässt er uns teilhaben.
* Es handelt sich um den bekannten New Yorker Cartoon-Künstler und Buzzfeed-Autor.
It's happening again. (thread)
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Private Überwachungs-Kameras sind praktisch. Sie erfassen jede Bewegung und jedes Geräusch in der Wohnung.
I've been leaving the nanny cam on 24/7. It records every time there's movement or sound, as you know.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Man geht ins Bett, die Kamera ist auf Stand-by. Später kann man ja mal schauen, ob in der Nacht etwas los war ...
I was going over the feed from this weekend, and noticed some weird stuff.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Katzen. Im Wohnzimmer.
During the night on Saturday, while I slept, it recorded the cats in the living room. It seemed pretty unremarkable at first.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
But then, after a few moments, Maxwell freaks out and jumps over something invisible. pic.twitter.com/DIl1O34vPY
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Vielleicht ein Insekt?
I don't think it was a bug or anything. Maxwell doesn't react like that with bugs. He just eats them. Something spooked him.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Anyway, the next night, the camera recorded a couple more strange videos.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Specifically, it recorded Maxwell doing this on and off for hours. pic.twitter.com/bTUKy64d5g
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
This is odd behavior for him, and I can't come up with an explanation for it. Especially because of the next video.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
Here's the final video the camera recorded that night. pic.twitter.com/wZjZr9hgWA
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
I suppose there's a chance it was a fly, but I honestly never get flies. So that seems unlikely.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 6. September 2017
You saw the cup on the table move right?
— Kimberly Cheri (@KimberlyCheri) 6. September 2017
The green glass on the table fuckin moved 😮😮😮😮😮
— Danielle (@daniellecalon) 6. September 2017
— Chelsea Barr (@Chelserey) 7. September 2017
The cat even noticed the jar moved he looks up!
— Kaye 👩🏻💻💅🏻☕️ (@testybrunette) 6. September 2017
So, my apartment is currently being haunted by the ghost of a dead child and he's trying to kill me. (thread)
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
He started appearing in dreams, but I think he's crossed over into the real world now.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
The first time I saw him, I was experiencing sleep paralysis and saw a child sitting in the green rocking chair at the foot of my bed.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
He had a huge misshapen head that was dented on one side. I did my best to draw it: pic.twitter.com/AJizlw7qXe
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
For a while he just stared at me, but then he got out of the chair and started shambling toward the bed.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
I couldn't move because I was paralyzed. (I have sleep paralysis fairly often. It sucks.)
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Right before he reached my bed, I woke up screaming.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
I had another dream a few nights later, where I was in a library and a girl came up to me and said, "You've seen Dear David, haven't you?"
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
I was like, "Who?" And she said, "Dear David. You saw him."
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
She continued, "He's dead. He only appears at midnight, and you can ask him two questions if you said 'Dear David' first."
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Then she added, "But never try to ask him a third question, or he'll kill you."
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Nun ja ....
Then, David came back in another dream. Same situation—I was in bed, and he was sitting in the rocking chair near the window, staring at me.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Die erste Frage
In the dream, I say, "Dear David, how did you die?" He mumbles, "An accident in a store."
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Die zweite ...
I say, "Dear David, what happened in the store?" He groans, "A shelf was pushed on my head."
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
🙈 🙉 🙊
I'm frozen with fear. I ask, "Who pushed the shelf?" David doesn't answer.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
I realize that I've asked a third question, which I'm not supposed to do. At that point, I wake up, absolutely terrified.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
The next couple days I google deaths in the city, but can't find anything about a kid named David dying in a store.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
I even try different names—Daniel, Dylan, Devon. Nothing. A few weeks go by without incident.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Sort of randomly, the apartment above mine is vacated, and I have the opportunity to move into it. It's a larger apartment, so I'm thrilled.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Another month or two goes by, and I sort of forget about Dear David. I think he lost track of me because I moved upstairs.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
But lately, something strange is happening.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
For the past 4 nights, my cats gather at the front door at exactly midnight & just stare at it, almost like something is on the other side. pic.twitter.com/Y8nnVLv6b4
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Last night I got a weird feeling and looked out the peephole, and I'm dead certain I saw movement on the other side.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
When I opened the door and turned on the hall light, nothing was there, but my cats seemed unnerved. Bushy tails, etc.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
And that's where I am right now. Dear David found me, I think. I don't know what to do. I'll keep you updated.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 7. August 2017
Update: for the sixth night in a row, my cat has walked over to the door promptly at midnight and stared at it. pic.twitter.com/97oSBLfOIw
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
What is going on? pic.twitter.com/30mLSqYhXo
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
Ok, so I took a photo through the peephole cuz I'm too scared to open the door. I feel like I saw something.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
I couldn't tell so I mustered the courage to open the door. Nothing was out there but I took another photo. Look at this:
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
Is it just me or is is there something in the first photo, right where the bannister meets the shelves? Hiding on the stairs. pic.twitter.com/s1g9bRzOPj
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
I wasn't sure if it was a smudge or something so I took a second photo from inside. There was something out there. pic.twitter.com/NnHepK90aC
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
I deadbolted the lock and got in bed because I don't know what else to do. I can still hear my cat meowing at the door.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
I am pretty scared. pic.twitter.com/Z6CZ8c20EA
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 9. August 2017
Ein paar Nächte später sitzt die Katze wieder vor der Tür.
And here we go. Just minutes before midnight. pic.twitter.com/vZ7MGCumpu
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 11. August 2017
Maxwell is extra talkative tonight. He's obviously trying to tell me something.
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 11. August 2017
Dann beide ...
They're both there now. pic.twitter.com/rr1B4vD7LJ
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 11. August 2017
Da hilft nur noch Salz ...
I don't even know if this is the right kind of salt. pic.twitter.com/aE7QapNarC
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 11. August 2017
An dieser Stelle hören wir auf und verweisen auf den Twitter-Account von Adam Ellis. Seine gruseligen Erlebnisse verbreiten sich viral im Internet, köstlich sind auch die Reaktionen.
I made a Storify of all my Dear David threads for easier viewing. I'll keep it up to date. https://t.co/NcZm0ZXXTJ
— Adam Ellis (@moby_dickhead) 16. August 2017
via Mashable