
Schaufensterpuppen, Mini-Glashäuser – so geht Distancing in Restaurants

Schaufensterpuppen, Mini-Glashäuser – so setzen Restaurants Distancing-Regeln durch

27.05.2020, 18:45
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Wie kann man ein Gastrobetrieb offen bleiben und gleichzeitig die staatlich verordneten Social-Distancing-Regeln einhalten? Nicht wenige Restaurateure werden dabei kreativ. So hat das renommierte Feinschmeckerrestaurant The Inn at Little Washington in Virginia nahe Washington DC auf die Lösung ‹Schaufensterpuppen› zurückgegriffen, um einen Anschein von gewöhnlicher Restaurant-Atmosphäre zu erzielen:

the inn at little washington social distancing mannequins schaufensterpuppen coronavirus covid-19 virginia food essen https://dc.eater.com/2020/5/12/21252237/dc-restaurant-the-inn-at-little-washington ...
Bild: eater.com

Nope. Not creepy at all.

the inn at little washington social distancing mannequins schaufensterpuppen coronavirus covid-19 virginia food essen https://dc.eater.com/2020/5/12/21252237/dc-restaurant-the-inn-at-little-washington ...
Bild: eater.com

Oder findet jemand von euch das gemütlich?

the inn at little washington social distancing mannequins schaufensterpuppen coronavirus covid-19 virginia food essen https://dc.eater.com/2020/5/12/21252237/dc-restaurant-the-inn-at-little-washington ...
Bild: eater.com

Sie sind mitnichten die Einzigen. Hier etwa ein Café in Vilnius, Litauen:

Mannequins are placed to provide social distancing at a restaurant in Vilnius, Lithuania, Thursday, May 21, 2020. In Vilnius, cafes and restaurants have been allowed to accept customers indoor, howeve ...
Bild: AP

Hier ein Café in Essen, Deutschland:

Display mannequins are placed between customers at the Cafe Livres in Essen, Germany, Wednesday, May 20, 2020. The cafe set the dolls as placeholders on various places for more distance between custom ...
Bild: AP

Okay, besser als diese Lösung hier in Bangkok, vielleicht ...

epa08444386 People eat lunch on tables partitioned by cardboard and plastic sheets in order to enforce social distancing in Bangkok, Thailand, 26 May 2020. Most restaurants have resorted to the use of ...
Bild: EPA

Andernorts in Bangkok ist man kreativer und setzt auf Karton-Krokodile, um die Distancing-Regeln durchzusetzen:

epa08442585 Diners sit next to cardboard dragons, shaped after the restaurant���s mascot, at Bar-B-Q Plaza restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, 25 May 2020. The cutouts were placed in specific seats in or ...
Bild: EPA

Oder man nimmt gleich Plüsch-Elefanten ...

epa08442599 Customers enjoy a meal next to elephant dolls at Thai Terrace restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, 25 May 2020. The dolls were placed in specific seats in order for people to abide by social d ...
Bild: EPA

... oder Pandas.

epa08431222 A stuffed panda is placed on a chair as a means to enforce social distancing at a restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, 19 May 2020. Thailand has relaxed stringent lockdown measures allowing ce ...
Bild: EPA

Okay, das finden wir jetzt doch eher süss. Dort würden wir gerne essen.

Derweil, in diesem schicken Restaurant in Amsterdam ...

FILE - In this May 5, 2020 file photo, staff at the Mediamatic restaurant serve food to volunteers seated in small glasshouses during a try-out of a setup which respects social distancing abiding by g ...
Bild: AP

.. bekommt jeder Zweier-Tisch ein eigenes Gewächshäuschen.

FILE - In this May 5, 2020 file photo, staff at the Mediamatic restaurant serve food to volunteers seated in small glasshouses during a try-out of a setup which respects social distancing abiding by g ...
Bild: AP

Analog in diesem Restaurant in Hagen in Deutschland:

epa08431260 Guests sit at a table in a small greenhouse at the 'Novy's Brasserie' Restaurant in Hagen, Germany, 18 May 2020 (issued 19 May 2020). After nearly two months of shutdown due ...
Bild: EPA

What a time to be alive. 😂


Food! Essen! Yeah!

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