Blöde Witze und Kommentare ÜBER FeministINNen haben wir genug gehört. Hier kommen ein paar Twitter-User/innen, die wirklich etwas über den Feminismus zu sagen haben. Verpackt in grandiose Sprüche.
Dick pics are the human equivalent of a cat giving you a dead bird as a "gift"
— Little Miss Classy (@MissRedKisss) 29. Juli 2016
women belong in the kitchen.
— Sarcasm (@ComedyPosts) 1. August 2013
men belong in the kitchen.
everyone belongs in the kitchen.
kitchen has food
If Thor is a woman, what's next? Woman doctors? Woman lawyers? Woman mothers? When will it end?
— OhNastyTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) 15. Juli 2014
(Der funktioniert wohl nur auf Englisch ...)
Idk I think feminism should be called something different like common sense or something
— tina (@tinatbh) 5. Juli 2014
The "weaker sex" is the one that pays for drinks when it sees exposed skin, right?
— maura quint (@behindyourback) 26. November 2013
20 Things That Women Should Stop Wearing After The Age of 30
— maura quint (@behindyourback) 3. Juni 2015
1-20: The weight of other people's expectations & judgments
men online: lol feminists stop taking everything seriously
— Sarcastic Feminist (@ohnoNOTFEMINISM) 15. August 2016
[feminist makes joke about men]
men online: whaT THE FUCK
Musicals are so stupid and unrealistic! Anyway, back to superheroes and romantic comedies where the male lead gets the girl by stalking her
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWilson) 7. Dezember 2014
saying you won't date a feminist is a simpler way of saying you're afraid of dating a woman who expects you to give her an orgasm too
— maura quint (@behindyourback) 8. September 2016
(sim via BoredPanda, Twitter und Tumblr)